BACK | || | 5129(bytes) | This PPL Code will check the Users file for
the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 4388(bytes) | BBS Lister 3.0 For PCBoard w/extended bbslist
the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 3140(bytes) | Press Enter to Continue PPE v1.0 PCBoard
the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 3049(bytes) | NUP v1.0 New User Password For PCBoard
the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 2056(bytes) | REVOLVE.PPE v1.0 - PPE Rotator for PCBoard
the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 3192(bytes) | Wheel Of Morality PPE Fully configurable!
Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 6928(bytes) | ALLSTAT [PPE] v1.0 Caller Statistics
Bulletin Generator for PCBoard v15.1 Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 21374(bytes) | Aqmarqee is a Pcboard PPE that will display
predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS Bulletin Generator for PCBoard v15.1 Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 6520(bytes) | The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.14B This
PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your file areas listings for you. predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS Bulletin Generator for PCBoard v15.1 Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they can put it. | | 5404(bytes) | AutoSig V1.1 Automatic User's Signature PPE
For PCBoard. PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your file areas listings for you. predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS Bulletin Generator for PCBoard v15.1 Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. the callers Address Info, If there is none it | | 18188(bytes) | BBANK v2. All-in-One Logoff Update PCBoard
For PCBoard. PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your file areas listings for you. predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS Bulletin Generator for PCBoard v15.1 Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. | | 4645(bytes) | PCBoard 15.1 Press Enter replacement 1.0b
Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit KB and maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB. Configurable logon/logoff enhancer. PCBoard For PCBoard. PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your file areas listings for you. predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS | | 17951(bytes) | PCB 15.1 LastCallers PPE v1.10 (06/06/94)
For PCBoard. PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your file areas listings for you. predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS Bulletin Generator for PCBoard v15.1 Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. | | 105749(bytes) | FREEWARE] PCBoard 15.1 Matrix PPE v1.11
For PCBoard. PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your file areas listings for you. predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS Bulletin Generator for PCBoard v15.1 Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. | | 55735(bytes) | FREEWARE] PCB 15.1 Logon PPE v1.10
Configurable logon/logoff enhancer. PCBoard For PCBoard. PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your file areas listings for you. predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS Bulletin Generator for PCBoard v15.1 Includes Cool HangUp Option From: PCB-PPE. | | 10874(bytes) | FREEWARE] PCB 15.1 ByteBank PPE v1.10
Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit KB and maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB. Configurable logon/logoff enhancer. PCBoard For PCBoard. PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your file areas listings for you. predefined rolling text to the caller, on the top line of your Menu screen. Support for a different display each day, a security level display, a File Import Display. Beta Release E. PCBoard 15.1 required. Authors: AQUILA BBS | | 10122(bytes) | BilBord v1.0 - PPE To Display Ads To
Callers. Displays Can Be Advertiements Or A Features List. Integrated Seam- Lessly Into The Main Menu. Unobtrusive Way To Generate Revenues For Your BBS Rotates Ads Automatically. Allows Conference AD LOCKing Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit KB and maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB. Configurable logon/logoff enhancer. PCBoard For PCBoard. PPE installs in minutes and makes all of your | | 5917(bytes) | Extended Speed Limit PPE For PcB 15.0
Freeware PPE to stop low-baud callers & let pass a few you want to keep Callers. Displays Can Be Advertiements Or A Features List. Integrated Seam- Lessly Into The Main Menu. Unobtrusive Way To Generate Revenues For Your BBS Rotates Ads Automatically. Allows Conference AD LOCKing Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit KB and maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB. Configurable logon/logoff enhancer. PCBoard | | 11588(bytes) | PPE for PCBoard that provides special level
options. Freeware PPE to stop low-baud callers & let pass a few you want to keep Callers. Displays Can Be Advertiements Or A Features List. Integrated Seam- Lessly Into The Main Menu. Unobtrusive Way To Generate Revenues For Your BBS Rotates Ads Automatically. Allows Conference AD LOCKing Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit KB and maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB. Configurable logon/logoff enhancer. PCBoard | | 2733(bytes) | LoGoN RuNNeR] PPE Logon runner PCBoard
Random Run, Security Run, Query Run. options. Freeware PPE to stop low-baud callers & let pass a few you want to keep Callers. Displays Can Be Advertiements Or A Features List. Integrated Seam- Lessly Into The Main Menu. Unobtrusive Way To Generate Revenues For Your BBS Rotates Ads Automatically. Allows Conference AD LOCKing Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit KB and maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB. Configurable logon/logoff enhancer. PCBoard | | 685120(bytes) | Bob's Language Editor (BOBSLED) version 1.09
An integrated development environment for PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). Not just an editor, BOBSLED includes advanced features like: file/project management, subroutine and included file tracking & PPL syntax checking. Compiles and Runs PPE's from the environment! Complete HyperText Help for PPL and a host of other programmers tools make BOBSLED a must have for every PPL programmer! S/W -> $39.00 Random Run, Security Run, Query Run. options. Freeware PPE to stop low-baud callers & let pass a few you want to keep Callers. Displays Can Be Advertiements Or A Features List. Integrated Seam- Lessly Into The Main Menu. Unobtrusive | | 15484(bytes) | Unwanted Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID
info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak An integrated development environment for PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). Not just an editor, BOBSLED includes advanced features like: file/project management, subroutine and included file tracking & PPL syntax checking. Compiles and Runs PPE's from the environment! Complete HyperText Help for PPL and a host of other programmers tools make BOBSLED a must have for every PPL programmer! S/W -> $39.00 Random Run, Security Run, Query Run. | | 16879(bytes) | CALLERID [PPE] v2.2 - p/o BBS SecurityPAK.
info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak An integrated development environment for PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). Not just an editor, BOBSLED includes advanced features like: file/project management, subroutine and included file tracking & PPL syntax checking. Compiles and Runs PPE's from the environment! Complete HyperText Help for PPL and a host of other programmers tools make BOBSLED a must have for every PPL programmer! S/W -> $39.00 | | 252426(bytes) | Custom File List Builder PPE v2.1 (CL) for
PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak An integrated development environment for PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). Not just an editor, BOBSLED includes advanced features like: file/project management, subroutine and included file tracking & PPL syntax checking. Compiles and Runs PPE's from the environment! Complete HyperText Help for PPL and a host of | | 9684(bytes) | CMFL v1.10: Custom Master File List PPE.
PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak An integrated development environment for PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). Not just an editor, BOBSLED includes advanced features like: file/project management, subroutine and included file tracking & PPL syntax checking. Compiles and Runs PPE's from the environment! | | 21674(bytes) | CNAV v3.00: Custom Node Activity Viewer. PPE
for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak An integrated development environment for PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). Not just an editor, BOBSLED includes advanced features like: file/project management, subroutine and | | 7146(bytes) | CNFS v1.10: Custom New File Scanner PPE.
for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak An integrated development environment for PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). Not just an editor, BOBSLED includes advanced features | | 4034(bytes) | Gamble Time PPE for PCBoard systems.
for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak An integrated development environment for PCBoard Programming Language (PPL). Not just | | 11908(bytes) | CSSC v2.20 Custom Split Screen Chat PPE.
for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak An integrated development environment for | | 9164(bytes) | FileMenu PPE v1.1! F Command replacement for
PCBoard v15.1! Automatic! For CD-ROMs too. for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.6 - p/o BBS SecurityPak | | 12698(bytes) | MainMenu v3.3 Great replacement for PCB's
BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un- available as well "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE! PCBoard v15.1! Automatic! For CD-ROMs too. for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, many Sysop defined options. Now supports CID Name. Works with any CallerID capable | | 19624(bytes) | Pro-Vote v3.6 The best PCB Vote Utility! Now
supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un- available as well "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE! PCBoard v15.1! Automatic! For CD-ROMs too. for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. The FIRST, | | 6429(bytes) | SpeedLim v3.2! Limit callers access based on
his/her connection speed! for PCBoard supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un- available as well "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE! PCBoard v15.1! Automatic! For CD-ROMs too. for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles | | 6948(bytes) | WelcoMat v3.2 If you know who is going to
call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un- available as well "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE! PCBoard v15.1! Automatic! For CD-ROMs too. for PCBoard PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow | | 17796(bytes) | Deluxe Bulletin Menu v1.2. The best
bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un- available as well "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE! PCBoard v15.1! Automatic! For CD-ROMs too. | | 3695(bytes) | DCLAIM v1.00: DISCLAIMER Display PPE. PCBoard
Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un- available as well "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE! PCBoard v15.1! Automatic! For CD-ROMs too. | | 30175(bytes) | Deluxe Conference Menu v3.2. The power of
C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un- available as well "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM again! Nice little PPE! | | 2760(bytes) | DoorDescribe! PPE v1.0 for PCBoard -
Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! BRDM menus. Shows available commands, un- | | 2067(bytes) | This Is Graphic Message & EMail PPE for PCB
Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! | | 5533(bytes) | NEW FILES SCAN 1.1 [PPE] for PCBoard
Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard supporting up to 999 different polls, MORE! | | 3201(bytes) | PPE LOADER v1.0. Best one ever for PCBoard
Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard | | 2566(bytes) | Sysgods.ppe for multi-sysop comment. PCBoard
Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! his/her connection speed! for PCBoard | | 4664(bytes) | V 1.10 PPE - (W) COMMAND replacement PCBoard
Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade them when they do! Small/fast/convenient! | | 3332(bytes) | DispWhen.PPE - v1.10 - Display any text file
based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain call your board, you can have PCB upgrade | | 18687(bytes) | SCAN 2.00 PPE FOR PCB 15.0 SEARCHeS FOR NEW
UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color configurable, easy to setup and & maintain | | 28424(bytes) | PPE for PCBoard - Security oriented
UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" bulletin menu PPE available for PCBoard users. Multi-Lang, Color | | 182725(bytes) | EDSBack v1.21 [PPE] Call-Back verifier for
PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower security level if the user answers "no" | | 2035(bytes) | E.PPE - Replacement for PCBoard prompt #199
Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. C++ and CDC's PPL ->PCBoard conference menu. Displays a disclaimer to user and will lower | | 7203(bytes) | Eastern Union Time Transfer PPE for PCBoard
Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard Descriptions up to 255 characters on your DOOR menu Registration $10.00. |
files.bbs | 21506(bytes) |
| | 11691(bytes) | The BEST Full-Screen Conference Join System
PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard Descriptions up to 255 characters on your | | 12725(bytes) | Ultimate Time Gambler v1.1 A PPE for PCBoard
PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard | | 3007(bytes) | The Give Time PPE for PCBoard - to give users
a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard | | 2185(bytes) | LOGOFF PPE for PCBoard
a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard | | 3512(bytes) | GENESiS End Of MSG Litebar PPE for PCBoard
a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard | | 7917(bytes) | GENESiS Logoff Matrix PPE for PCBoard
a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts UPLOADS FROM CHOSEN CONFS. Flag/view enabled. based on Callers Security Level,etc. PCBoard | | 3219(bytes) | Graphics Prompt Replacement PPE replacement
for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts | | 3394(bytes) | HIDEUSER.ppe- Ver 1- Simple way to change
Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. Includes source. Freeware. | | 8581(bytes) | HORSES! v1.1 PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] Animated!!
Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. | | 18083(bytes) | HOTCHAT PPE V3.0 for PCBoard
Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers of a maxumum of 10 minutes. | | 5087(bytes) | New Files Scan v1.0 for PCBoard 15.1
Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 a small amount of extra online time in pinch. PPE for PCBoard Shareware Version is limited to transfers | | 2582(bytes) | Press Any Key To Continue PPE ú. This PPE is
100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 a small amount of extra online time in pinch. | | 3351(bytes) | JASP V1.0 - PCBoard Just Another Stats PPE w/
animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 | | 4218(bytes) | JUST-DO-IT v1.10á Upload PPE for PCBoard
animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 | | 21271(bytes) | Kallback.ppe v5.00 for PCBoard
animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 | | 10417(bytes) | PPE] Lightbar Production Kit) Create custom
prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi Detect Contains Version 1.1 also. Version 1.2 | | 17232(bytes) | Last Callers display PPE for Pcboard 15.0+
prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite Downlink service. Auto Rip/Ansi/Nonansi | | 6943(bytes) | LIES Entertaining PPE for PCBoard
prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. for the PCBtext files Prompt #149 for use by sysops using the Planet Connect Satellite | | 4588(bytes) | LogOff v1.1 - Automatic Logoff PPE for PCB
track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. | | 7964(bytes) | THCDOS 8.0: PCB 15.1 PPE. DOS Login Matrix
track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard Alias name. I use it for my FLAMING base so users can't tell who posted what. FREE. | | 16272(bytes) | Mall.PPE - version 1.4 - Allows up to 66
"Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard | | 10393(bytes) | UltraMoni - v1.1 - PCBMONI .PPE replacement
for the busy PCBoard Sysop. "Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard | | 9929(bytes) | Protocol [ppe] v1.0 for pcboard 15.1 [ source
included ]. for the busy PCBoard Sysop. "Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That Disgusting More Prompt. PCBoard | | 4043(bytes) | PPE for PCBoard. Choose which Sysop under C
included ]. for the busy PCBoard Sysop. "Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. 100 % Color Configurable The Press Any Key To Continue PPE is Made To Replace That | | 6110(bytes) | NICE DAY EASY READER V4.00 [PPE] PCBoard
Replacement for the 'R' command. included ]. for the busy PCBoard Sysop. "Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard animated bar and all required features. | | 2520(bytes) | Newcount PPE v1.0B Show your PCBoard users
how many new uploads for the day Replacement for the 'R' command. included ]. for the busy PCBoard Sysop. "Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard | | 3018(bytes) | PPE for PCB that will scan your filelists and
create a ZIP-file with all the new files from a certain date and download the file. how many new uploads for the day Replacement for the 'R' command. included ]. for the busy PCBoard Sysop. "Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout prompt (oo) replacements for PCBoard | | 52776(bytes) | NetMail/Reply v1.6 This combination of PPEs
replace your (E) command and the (RE)ply PCB create a ZIP-file with all the new files from a certain date and download the file. how many new uploads for the day Replacement for the 'R' command. included ]. for the busy PCBoard Sysop. "Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout | | 3459(bytes) | NewScan v5.0 PCBoard new files scan = FREE
replace your (E) command and the (RE)ply PCB create a ZIP-file with all the new files from a certain date and download the file. how many new uploads for the day Replacement for the 'R' command. included ]. for the busy PCBoard Sysop. "Stores", payment C.O.D., CASH or Credit. 6 track your users who wait on keyboard timeout | | 16415(bytes) | ONLINE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM v3.2
OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online registration processing via credit cards or optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with all the information needed to verify and process credit card transactions. Also writes program usage information to the CALLER log for tracking purposes. Specify your own security levels, term of sub- scription, and which credit cards you accept. Now compabible with Canadian registrations. NOW INCLUDES PROCESSING INFORMATION!! Shareware from Hogard Software Solutions. replace your (E) command and the (RE)ply PCB create a ZIP-file with all the new files from a certain date and download the file. | | 13359(bytes) | OLDB.PPE - On-Line DataBase v1.0 PCBoard!
OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online registration processing via credit cards or optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with all the information needed to verify and process credit card transactions. Also writes program usage information to the CALLER log for tracking purposes. Specify your own security levels, term of sub- scription, and which credit cards you accept. Now compabible with Canadian registrations. NOW INCLUDES PROCESSING INFORMATION!! Shareware from Hogard Software Solutions. replace your (E) command and the (RE)ply PCB create a ZIP-file with all the new files from a certain date and download the file. | | 7889(bytes) | * One Armed Bandit * v1.4 * PCBoard .PPE game
that simulates the playing of a slot machine. No maintenance required. No configuration files required. Quick & easy install via CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free lifetime BBS support! Compiled 06/28/94. OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online registration processing via credit cards or optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with all the information needed to verify and process credit card transactions. Also writes program usage information to the CALLER log for tracking purposes. Specify your own security levels, term of sub- scription, and which credit cards you accept. Now compabible with Canadian registrations. NOW INCLUDES PROCESSING INFORMATION!! Shareware from Hogard Software Solutions. | | 89401(bytes) | The PCB Door Executive ver. 4.00á
Creates *1* Menu for all your Doors & PPE programs. Run PPE & Doors from 1 menu! that simulates the playing of a slot machine. No maintenance required. No configuration files required. Quick & easy install via CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free lifetime BBS support! Compiled 06/28/94. OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online registration processing via credit cards or optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with all the information needed to verify and process credit card transactions. Also writes program usage information to the CALLER log for tracking purposes. Specify your own security levels, term of sub- scription, and which credit cards you accept. | | 3174(bytes) | PCB Lotto is a PPE written to quick pick 6 or
quick pick 3 random numbers for the lottery. Creates *1* Menu for all your Doors & PPE programs. Run PPE & Doors from 1 menu! that simulates the playing of a slot machine. No maintenance required. No configuration files required. Quick & easy install via CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free lifetime BBS support! Compiled 06/28/94. OCCPS is a PPE program to allow online registration processing via credit cards or optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP file for mail-in registrations. Writes CHARGE.LOG file with all the information needed to verify and process credit card transactions. Also writes program usage information to the CALLER log for tracking purposes. Specify | | 8751(bytes) | ÕÍÍÍÍ PCBNEWS v1.0 - PCB News Editor Í[PPE]͸
³ A useful Sysop's Aid to help create ³ ³ news files. Seamless interface, configur- ³ ³ able header AND footer files, can define ³ ³ a security level needed to add a news ³ ³entry, can set an indentation length, more.³ ³Don't fuss with those other NEWS file PPEs!³ ³ Compiler: PPLC.EXE dated 01-25-94 ³ ÔÍ (c) 1994 - Whitewater Technologies, Inc.; quick pick 3 random numbers for the lottery. Creates *1* Menu for all your Doors & PPE programs. Run PPE & Doors from 1 menu! that simulates the playing of a slot machine. No maintenance required. No configuration files required. Quick & easy install via CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. Shareware $10. Free lifetime BBS support! Compiled 06/28/94. | | 1661(bytes) | Logon.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Multinode
Will notify all users online when someone logs into another node.... ³ A useful Sysop's Aid to help create ³ ³ news files. Seamless interface, configur- ³ ³ able header AND footer files, can define ³ ³ a security level needed to add a news ³ ³entry, can set an indentation length, more.³ ³Don't fuss with those other NEWS file PPEs!³ ³ Compiler: PPLC.EXE dated 01-25-94 ³ ÔÍ (c) 1994 - Whitewater Technologies, Inc.; quick pick 3 random numbers for the lottery. Creates *1* Menu for all your Doors & PPE programs. Run PPE & Doors from 1 menu! that simulates the playing of a slot machine. No maintenance required. No configuration files required. Quick & easy install via | | 49898(bytes) | Ú=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=¿
º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º ³ >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<< ³ À=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ù #44 Logon.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Multinode Will notify all users online when someone logs into another node.... ³ A useful Sysop's Aid to help create ³ ³ news files. Seamless interface, configur- ³ ³ able header AND footer files, can define ³ ³ a security level needed to add a news ³ ³entry, can set an indentation length, more.³ ³Don't fuss with those other NEWS file PPEs!³ ³ Compiler: PPLC.EXE dated 01-25-94 ³ | | 10056(bytes) | Time Bank PPE 2.0 þ Config by Sec Levels, and
even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º ³ >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<< ³ À=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ù #44 Logon.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Multinode Will notify all users online when someone logs into another node.... ³ A useful Sysop's Aid to help create ³ ³ news files. Seamless interface, configur- ³ ³ able header AND footer files, can define ³ ³ a security level needed to add a news ³ ³entry, can set an indentation length, more.³ | | 8127(bytes) | Pot Of Gold .. v 1.3 .. PCBoard .PPE game
even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º ³ >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<< ³ À=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ù #44 Logon.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Multinode Will notify all users online when someone logs into another node.... ³ A useful Sysop's Aid to help create ³ ³ news files. Seamless interface, configur- ³ ³ able header AND footer files, can define ³ ³ a security level needed to add a news ³ | | 24060(bytes) | PPE games - Blackjack, Card Sharks & Slots
They all play like the real games. PCBoard even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º ³ >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<< ³ À=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ù #44 Logon.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Multinode Will notify all users online when someone logs into another node.... ³ A useful Sysop's Aid to help create ³ ³ news files. Seamless interface, configur- ³ | | 19954(bytes) | PPE-Script v1.30 (05-24-94) - Newask/Logon/ÿÿ
Logoff/Script program. For PCBoard They all play like the real games. PCBoard even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º ³ >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<< ³ À=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ù #44 Logon.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Multinode Will notify all users online when someone logs into another node.... | | 3167(bytes) | PPERUN.PPE - v1.00 - PPE Menu PPE. Checks
security levels before running the PPE SHAREWARE by Rob Borek. Logoff/Script program. For PCBoard They all play like the real games. PCBoard even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º ³ >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<< ³ À=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ù #44 Logon.ppe for PCBoard v15.x Multinode | | 46493(bytes) | Finally a full PULL DOWN Menu PPE for PCBoard
security levels before running the PPE SHAREWARE by Rob Borek. Logoff/Script program. For PCBoard They all play like the real games. PCBoard even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º ³ >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<< ³ | | 2178(bytes) | ASKALL PPE V0.1 for pcboard
security levels before running the PPE SHAREWARE by Rob Borek. Logoff/Script program. For PCBoard They all play like the real games. PCBoard even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º | | 3795(bytes) | JOIN-IT V1.00 PPE for PCBoard
security levels before running the PPE SHAREWARE by Rob Borek. Logoff/Script program. For PCBoard They all play like the real games. PCBoard even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ º A WHO REPLACEMENT WITH NAMES OF º ³ DOWNLOADS ETC...AND...GET THIS ³ º CONTINUOUS SCREEN UPDATES!!!! º ³ >>> NOW NETWORK FRIENDLY!!! <<< ³ | | 9682(bytes) | PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system.
It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files, with or without Doorway. PCBoard security levels before running the PPE SHAREWARE by Rob Borek. Logoff/Script program. For PCBoard They all play like the real games. PCBoard even acct. Editing. Scroll Bar or Non-Scroll. º PEGANODE v2.1a* WHO REPLACEMENT PPE º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º>!NOW SHOWS TIME LEFT FOR EACH NODE!<º ³ WHAT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN ASKING FOR ³ | | 36627(bytes) | Ú=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=¿
º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º À=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ù #34 PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system. It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files, with or without Doorway. PCBoard security levels before running the PPE SHAREWARE by Rob Borek. | | 20633(bytes) | Quote-Me PPE v2.0, Quote of the day PCBoard
º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º À=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ù #34 PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system. It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files, with or without Doorway. PCBoard security levels before running the PPE SHAREWARE by Rob Borek. | | 3055(bytes) | QWHO v2.00 PPE for PCBoard
Lightbar Movement/Configurable Colors/Menus º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º À=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ù #34 PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system. It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files, with or without Doorway. PCBoard | | 3412(bytes) | [PPE] Qwk-Bar v1.0 QWK command replacement
Lightbar Movement/Configurable Colors/Menus º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º À=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ù #34 PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system. It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files, with or without Doorway. PCBoard | | 3148(bytes) | QWKQWK.ppe- Ver 1- Basic QWK system. PCBoard
º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º À=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ù #34 PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system. It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files, with or without Doorway. PCBoard security levels before running the PPE | | 9607(bytes) | QWKSTATS v3.1 Last caller+Stats PPE PCBoard
º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º À=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ù #34 PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system. It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files, with or without Doorway. PCBoard | | 10694(bytes) | The Protected Conference v1.0 [PPE]. PCBoard
Lightbar Movement/Configurable Colors/Menus º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º À=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ù #34 PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system. It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display files, with or without Doorway. PCBoard | | 6657(bytes) | Full Screen Login Replacement v1.0 [PPE].
Lightbar Movement/Configurable Colors/Menus º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º À=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ù #34 PPE] This is a self-maintaining menu system. It will run PPE, EXE, COM, BAT or display | | 4197(bytes) | Real Time WHO v1.1 for PCBoard coded by
Gandalf/Infiny The ultimate WHO replacement Lightbar Movement/Configurable Colors/Menus º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º | | 22200(bytes) | SendMes v1.00 PPE for PCBoard 15.1
Gandalf/Infiny The ultimate WHO replacement Lightbar Movement/Configurable Colors/Menus º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º ³ Use as is or add your own! ³ º A PEGASUS SOFTWARE & IMGAGING PRODUCT º | | 2500(bytes) | SYSFILES.PPE v1.1 Sysfiles is a simple
utility for remote PCBoard sysops Gandalf/Infiny The ultimate WHO replacement Lightbar Movement/Configurable Colors/Menus º QUOTE OF THE DAY Version 1.0 º Ã=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=-=-=-=-=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=Ä=´ º A PPE FOR PCBOARD 15.0 º ³ Fully Functional Uncrippled Shareware ³ º Excellent Color Graphics display! º ³ Configurable to display your BBS name ³ º Zip contains over 1000 quotes º | | 14736(bytes) | [PPE] SO MANY CDs! Version 1.8
More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of requests; if local, sysop loads requested CD's and file is posted as attachment to message to user with automatic pack-out after sysop-defined period. SHAREWARE ($19.95) utility for remote PCBoard sysops Gandalf/Infiny The ultimate WHO replacement Lightbar Movement/Configurable Colors/Menus | | 12094(bytes) | SEARCH 2.0 [PPE] Use this great PPE as a
shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of requests; if local, sysop loads requested CD's and file is posted as attachment to message to user with automatic pack-out after sysop-defined period. SHAREWARE ($19.95) utility for remote PCBoard sysops Gandalf/Infiny The ultimate WHO replacement | | 5496(bytes) | A PPLC v2.0 PPE - SURVEY.PPE v1.0 This PPE
lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of requests; if local, sysop loads requested CD's and file is posted as attachment to message to user with automatic pack-out after sysop-defined period. SHAREWARE ($19.95) utility for remote PCBoard sysops | | 43548(bytes) | Super Vote v3.10 for PCBoard 15.1 PPE
shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of requests; if local, sysop loads requested CD's and file is posted as attachment to message to user with automatic pack-out after sysop-defined period. SHAREWARE ($19.95) utility for remote PCBoard sysops Gandalf/Infiny The ultimate WHO replacement | | 3936(bytes) | SuperWho [PPE] - v1.0 - GO/4 Software. A fun
replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of requests; if local, sysop loads requested CD's and file is posted as attachment to message to user with automatic pack-out after sysop-defined period. SHAREWARE ($19.95) | | 16749(bytes) | TAB - The Address Book v1.51 [PPE] - Allow
your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of requests; if local, sysop loads requested CD's and file is posted as attachment to message to user with automatic | | 11524(bytes) | NewUser Password PPE for PCBoard
your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of requests; if local, sysop loads requested CD's and file is posted as attachment | | 8704(bytes) | This PPE will create a list of all PPE's and
Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! Sysop notified at login of requests; | | 10521(bytes) | Full Screen Upload PPE for PCBoard
Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! More CD-ROMs than drives? Let users request files from offline CD's! | | 10223(bytes) | TRUELOCK [PPE] v1.1 RELEASE! PPE designed to
TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. shell type program for your users to locate that certain file of interest! | | 5442(bytes) | Trial.PPE v1.0 Nice expired user PPE. Gives
user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. shell type program for your users to locate | | 28480(bytes) | TextView PPE 3.4 by Joseph Sheppard. For
PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey questions at LOGOFF and record the users answers in the NOTES PSA. | | 3626(bytes) | USRNET.ppe v1.00 - a little ppe designed to
allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard lets the sysop ask a couple of survey | | 32132(bytes) | Voter++ v3.0 - User Voting [PPE] for PCBoard
Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will show DUMMY users on your system. PCBoard | | 9217(bytes) | Very Strange Lines 1.OO PPE PCBoard oneliner
Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard replacement for your WHO command that will | | 2486(bytes) | NewFile Count PPE for PCBoard by date by dir
Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard your users the ability to store and and retrieve addresses. For PCBoard | | 3521(bytes) | WXPCB.PPE, Places reports generated by WXMAN
XX in a simple menu driven format that your users will enjoy using. Weather for PCBoard. Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard | | 11216(bytes) | PCBoard download log & traffic report b
handsome bulletin generator XX in a simple menu driven format that your users will enjoy using. Weather for PCBoard. Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard Door's you have on your System for PCBoard | | 9201(bytes) | XPCBPATH Version 1.2 (FREEWARE) for PCBoard
extends PCBoard's 30 character path limit! handsome bulletin generator XX in a simple menu driven format that your users will enjoy using. Weather for PCBoard. Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. TRULY LOCK out UNWANTED callers. Pcboard | | 3528(bytes) | Yo'Moma is so. Add this PPE to any Display
file & get a smile out of your users PCBoard extends PCBoard's 30 character path limit! handsome bulletin generator XX in a simple menu driven format that your users will enjoy using. Weather for PCBoard. Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung PCBoard BBS V15.x. Used for displaying text user choice of killing own account. | | 11494(bytes) | Zephyr Version 3.2 PPE for PCBoard - rotates
client folders and their ads. to provide their users with another (Z)ippy compressed file for the user to download! Full logging, multi-lingual support, MORE file & get a smile out of your users PCBoard extends PCBoard's 30 character path limit! handsome bulletin generator XX in a simple menu driven format that your users will enjoy using. Weather for PCBoard. Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the | | 48332(bytes) | ZippyList v1.6 PCBoard [PPE] - Allows a Sysop
to provide their users with another (Z)ippy compressed file for the user to download! Full logging, multi-lingual support, MORE file & get a smile out of your users PCBoard extends PCBoard's 30 character path limit! handsome bulletin generator XX in a simple menu driven format that your users will enjoy using. Weather for PCBoard. Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! allow the sysop to change the data in the usernet file. Clear the caller info when hung |