ddplus63.zip88051(bytes) DDPlus63 - Door Driver Routines for Borland
Pascal 7.0 - Complete with Socumentation and
samples on how to make door programs using
Turbo Pascal. Supports most BBS types.
gfxfx.zip147108(bytes) Pascal source code to various graphics
Pascal 7.0 - Complete with Socumentation and
samples on how to make door programs using
Turbo Pascal. Supports most BBS types.
helpgen1.zip9365(bytes) Pre-Processor for the Borland PASCAL
Help Compiler.
Pascal 7.0 - Complete with Socumentation and
samples on how to make door programs using
Turbo Pascal. Supports most BBS types.
jpdoor41.zip311915(bytes) JPDoor V4.1 Door Writing Toolkit for Turbo
Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS,
SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can
create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.
Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door,
from Beginner to Advanced!
Help Compiler.
Pascal 7.0 - Complete with Socumentation and
samples on how to make door programs using
Turbo Pascal. Supports most BBS types.
pasfone.zip4186(bytes) This Turbo Pascal unit accepts user input to
dial Hayes compatible modems. The phone
number may be numeric or alpha (acronyms) or
a mix of both. Bios interrupt $14 is used
Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS,
SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can
create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.
Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door,
from Beginner to Advanced!
Help Compiler.
Pascal 7.0 - Complete with Socumentation and
samples on how to make door programs using
Turbo Pascal. Supports most BBS types.
pcl4p42.zip67790(bytes) Personal Communications Lib for Pascal v4.2
Asynch communications library supporting
COM1-COM16 to 115200 baud, 4+ ports concur,
RTS/CTS flow control. Much more.
dial Hayes compatible modems. The phone
number may be numeric or alpha (acronyms) or
a mix of both. Bios interrupt $14 is used
Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS,
SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can
create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.
Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door,
from Beginner to Advanced!
Help Compiler.
Pascal 7.0 - Complete with Socumentation and
samples on how to make door programs using
tagd100s.zip13274(bytes) TAG bbs developer's kit, Pascal sample code
Asynch communications library supporting
COM1-COM16 to 115200 baud, 4+ ports concur,
RTS/CTS flow control. Much more.
dial Hayes compatible modems. The phone
number may be numeric or alpha (acronyms) or
a mix of both. Bios interrupt $14 is used
Pascal 5.5/6.0/7.0 Supports RA, QBBS,
SuperBBS, ProBoard, and any BBS that can
create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.
Contains EVERYTHING you need to write a door,
from Beginner to Advanced!
Help Compiler.
Pascal 7.0 - Complete with Socumentation and