aback35d.zip661814(bytes) AutoBackup for Windows NT ver3.5d
Evaluation Copy
Now you can schedule backups on Windows NT
isnt10.zip152965(bytes) Icon Studio 1.0 - (c)1995 Leonard A. Gray
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows NT.
Evaluation Copy
Now you can schedule backups on Windows NT
nt_eval.zip799635(bytes) Windows Help file format. How NT 3.5 compares
to various other OS systems, case studies and
more. A must have for anyone considering a
Windows NT purchase.
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows NT.
Evaluation Copy
Now you can schedule backups on Windows NT
ntgdh.zip10972(bytes) Common dialog extension for Windows NT
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows NT.
Evaluation Copy
Now you can schedule backups on Windows NT
polyv160.zip176027(bytes) Windows NT: PolyView v1.60 graphics viewer
for JPEG & GIF.
to various other OS systems, case studies and
more. A must have for anyone considering a
Windows NT purchase.
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows NT.
Evaluation Copy
Now you can schedule backups on Windows NT
polyvw11.zip140347(bytes) PolyView v1.10; Multi-threaded 32-bit
Microsoft Windows NT application which
provides viewing and image manipulation
support for JPEG, GIF, and Windows and OS/2
BMP files.
for JPEG & GIF.
to various other OS systems, case studies and
more. A must have for anyone considering a
Windows NT purchase.
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows NT.
Evaluation Copy
Now you can schedule backups on Windows NT
redate32.zip103313(bytes) Win32 file redate util for NT or Win95
Microsoft Windows NT application which
provides viewing and image manipulation
support for JPEG, GIF, and Windows and OS/2
BMP files.
for JPEG & GIF.
to various other OS systems, case studies and
more. A must have for anyone considering a
Windows NT purchase.
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows NT.
Evaluation Copy
Now you can schedule backups on Windows NT
sm300c.zip1252878(bytes) Spike Mail -- SMTP program for NT
Microsoft Windows NT application which
provides viewing and image manipulation
support for JPEG, GIF, and Windows and OS/2
BMP files.
for JPEG & GIF.
to various other OS systems, case studies and
more. A must have for anyone considering a
Windows NT purchase.
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows NT.
Evaluation Copy
Now you can schedule backups on Windows NT
xnot17.zip571971(bytes) NotGnu 1.7, a lightweight Emacs-type editor
for Windows and DOS; available for NT also
Microsoft Windows NT application which
provides viewing and image manipulation
support for JPEG, GIF, and Windows and OS/2
BMP files.
for JPEG & GIF.
to various other OS systems, case studies and
more. A must have for anyone considering a
Windows NT purchase.
Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16
color icons for Windows NT.
Evaluation Copy