ss9531up.zip131345(bytes) SwordSearcher95 v3.1 UPGRADE. Upgrades
version 3.0 of SwordSearcher95 to version
3.1. Version 3.1 fixes some bugs including
the "crash on exit" bug with Windows NT and
some Windows 95 systems. Requires:
SwordSearcher95 v3.0 already installed.
read, and noting utility. Search for any
words or phrase. Set bookmarks. Create notes
for any verse. Cross references in notes are
viewed with a simple double-click. Search
notes. Plug-in note modules available. Save,
print, or copy text to the clipboard.
Designed to take advantage of Windows95 and
32 bit performance, without sacrificing a
simple interface. An ideal Bible study tool.
ss9531.zip3876204(bytes) SwordSearcher95 v3.1 Windows95 Bible search,
read, and noting utility. Search for any
words or phrase. Set bookmarks. Create notes
for any verse. Cross references in notes are
viewed with a simple double-click. Search
notes. Plug-in note modules available. Save,
print, or copy text to the clipboard.
Designed to take advantage of Windows95 and
32 bit performance, without sacrificing a
simple interface. An ideal Bible study tool.