BACK | || | 7414(bytes) | Installation of 4 floppy dirves. | | 9970(bytes) | Format a 360k 5.25 floppy in a 1.2 meg drive | | 143310(bytes) | Excellant diskette cataloging program | | 17558(bytes) | Split large files (including ZIPPED files)
into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 71265(bytes) | AutoFCat v2.0: automatic floppy disk
cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 66116(bytes) | Automatic floppy disk cataloger
cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 4349(bytes) | Util to modify the boot sector on your floppy
cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 167829(bytes) | Catdisk v4.63: powerful disk cataloger
cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 11660(bytes) | Chop large files to fit on floppys
cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 43344(bytes) | Neat and wonderful disk formatter with
some interesting features - try it! cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 54907(bytes) | COPY Quick ver 2.29 Disk copy routine
some interesting features - try it! cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 101239(bytes) | COPY-X v1.5 Optimal floppy filler.
some interesting features - try it! cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 45304(bytes) | A diskette label program.
some interesting features - try it! cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 30086(bytes) | DCopy v2.4: One pass diskette copy also
supports transfer between different size media. some interesting features - try it! cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 43147(bytes) | Make floppy copies via system memory
some interesting features - try it! cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. into smaller files for archival onto floppies | | 3857(bytes) | A com version of a text file on how to
convert double density floppies to high density using everyday tools (it works try it). supports transfer between different size media. some interesting features - try it! cataloging system, complete with file descriptions. | | 15118(bytes) | Diskette Image to File Utility v2.01:
utility can make an image copy of a diskette & place it into a file for later restoration. convert double density floppies to high density using everyday tools (it works try it). supports transfer between different size media. some interesting features - try it! | | 7891(bytes) | Diskette File Recovery v1.01: small utility
to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; utility can make an image copy of a diskette & place it into a file for later restoration. convert double density floppies to high density using everyday tools (it works try it). supports transfer between different size media. some interesting features - try it! | | 119722(bytes) | Floppy disk cataloger. Reads filenames
into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; utility can make an image copy of a diskette & place it into a file for later restoration. convert double density floppies to high density using everyday tools (it works try it). supports transfer between different size media. | | 170128(bytes) | DiskFile v2.7 floppy cataloger w/many options
into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; utility can make an image copy of a diskette & place it into a file for later restoration. convert double density floppies to high density using everyday tools (it works try it). supports transfer between different size media. | | 87718(bytes) | Disk Labeler ver 4.0.
into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; utility can make an image copy of a diskette & place it into a file for later restoration. convert double density floppies to high density using everyday tools (it works try it). supports transfer between different size media. | | 9819(bytes) | KX-P1124 Disk Labels v2.0: floppy disk labelr
into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; utility can make an image copy of a diskette & place it into a file for later restoration. convert double density floppies to high density using everyday tools (it works try it). supports transfer between different size media. | | 115312(bytes) | DRS v1.18: utility to recover DATA (binary
files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; utility can make an image copy of a diskette & place it into a file for later restoration. convert double density floppies to high | | 11004(bytes) | Utility to test if floppy drive A: or B: is
ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; utility can make an image copy of a diskette & place it into a file for later restoration. | | 42342(bytes) | Diskdbf v8.0d simple disk cataloger in dbf
format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; utility can make an image copy of a diskette | | 124783(bytes) | DiskRack v3.5E superb disk catalog software
format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd copy of FAT and enhanced status display; | | 104409(bytes) | DiskTrak v7.4 Floppy disk cataloger.
Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. to recover a file from a damaged 360K or 1.2MB diskette; option to use 1st or 2nd | | 7996(bytes) | Diskette Test drive program. Invaluable in
preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. into a database. Add/del/change/comments from keybrd. Query disk space. Rpts. Docs. | | 187608(bytes) | A very good floppy disk Format program
preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. into a database. Add/del/change/comments | | 185250(bytes) | World's Greatest Disk Utility!
preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. | | 185052(bytes) | EZ-Disk Admiral v1.1: hard drive/floppy drive
preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. | | 44565(bytes) | Easy Catalog v1.0A: simple diskette cataloger
preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading Drive-A" error message, bypassing DOS to get at the data. | | 10024(bytes) | EZ Help Version 1.0 - Visual Basic adjunct
that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies when you get that "general failure reading | | 93827(bytes) | Floppy Disk Format utility v 1.8: An
that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready files are not yet supported) from floppies |
files.bbs | 5842(bytes) |
| | 7291(bytes) | Floppywriter: pop-up disk formatter for
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. ready | | 3051(bytes) | Checks to see if floppy drive is present
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. | | 5544(bytes) | ISFLOPPY v1.0: tests whether the floppy
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. format. Does multiple archive ypes. | | 20537(bytes) | File copying utility for single floppy
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. | | 17030(bytes) | Copy large directories to multi floppies
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. | | 129533(bytes) | LogiCat v1.74 Disk catalog system.
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. Autobuilds database. | | 141897(bytes) | Full featured Disk catalog system.
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. | | 4857(bytes) | Makes your floppy drives run smoother
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? in batch file operation. | | 211194(bytes) | Write a emage file to you 360k floppy
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. preventing the dreaded ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE? | | 144382(bytes) | The last data analyzer disk!
Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help to Visual Basic programs without having to use the Microsoft help editor. Freeware. | | 10580(bytes) | QUADRIVE v2.10: diskette driver for use
with 1.2MB 5¬" diskette drives, allowing you to read, write, format, & use most DOS compat- ible utils as if your drive was a 3«" 720KB drive; use any mixture of 160KB, 180KB, 320KB 360KB, 720KB, and 1.2MB formats on the drive. Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape that allows the programmer to add online help | | 4382(bytes) | Formats Disk in A: Drive With DOS High Speed
with 1.2MB 5¬" diskette drives, allowing you to read, write, format, & use most DOS compat- ible utils as if your drive was a 3«" 720KB drive; use any mixture of 160KB, 180KB, 320KB 360KB, 720KB, and 1.2MB formats on the drive. Floppy Drives, Hard Drives, Modems, Tape | | 14282(bytes) | Sequential Disk Volume Labeller - put volume
labels on your disks in sequential order - no more hassles with the LABEL command. Command line driven, and very easy to use - examples included. with 1.2MB 5¬" diskette drives, allowing you to read, write, format, & use most DOS compat- ible utils as if your drive was a 3«" 720KB drive; use any mixture of 160KB, 180KB, 320KB 360KB, 720KB, and 1.2MB formats on the drive. | | 12948(bytes) | V2.12 of Subdir. Fast.
labels on your disks in sequential order - no more hassles with the LABEL command. Command line driven, and very easy to use - examples included. with 1.2MB 5¬" diskette drives, allowing you to read, write, format, & use most DOS compat- ible utils as if your drive was a 3«" 720KB drive; use any mixture of 160KB, 180KB, 320KB 360KB, 720KB, and 1.2MB formats on the drive. | | 48015(bytes) | Format/Copy/verify floppies fast
labels on your disks in sequential order - no more hassles with the LABEL command. Command line driven, and very easy to use - examples included. with 1.2MB 5¬" diskette drives, allowing you to read, write, format, & use most DOS compat- ible utils as if your drive was a 3«" 720KB drive; use any mixture of 160KB, 180KB, 320KB 360KB, 720KB, and 1.2MB formats on the drive. | | 18453(bytes) | Gives you a picture instead of a message
when booting up with a disk in the drive, nice. labels on your disks in sequential order - no more hassles with the LABEL command. Command line driven, and very easy to use - examples included. with 1.2MB 5¬" diskette drives, allowing you to read, write, format, & use most DOS compat- ible utils as if your drive was a 3«" 720KB drive; use any mixture of 160KB, 180KB, 320KB 360KB, 720KB, and 1.2MB formats on the drive. |