BACK | || | 52079(bytes) | Electronic Periodic Table
V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! |
7plus2.exe | 161450(bytes) | Packet Transfer Code/deCode for
store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! |
900fone.lzh | 261(bytes) | 900 Mhz Cordless Telephone Freqs.
store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! |
aerofreq.lzh | 1907(bytes) | World Commercial Aeronautical Freqs.
store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! | | 729(bytes) | General coverage TX mods for the high-end
rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! | | 156785(bytes) | Ham Enjoy Packet Radio without
a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! |
bkrsfld.lzh | 832(bytes) | Bakersfield, Ca Scanner Freqs
a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! | | 9897(bytes) | Some good information to read if you are
thinking about buying a scanner. a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! | | 9587(bytes) | A list of rx/tx allocations for 800 mhz.
thinking about buying a scanner. a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! |
dj9600.lzh | 1872(bytes) | 9600baud with Alinco
110/112/1200 Series Radios thinking about buying a scanner. a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! | | 9556(bytes) | Some Delaware Vally scanner frequencies.
110/112/1200 Series Radios thinking about buying a scanner. a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And an Option to Print Out Info on Elements! For The Serious Chem Student! | | 135307(bytes) | Softronix printed circuit board
editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, 110/112/1200 Series Radios thinking about buying a scanner. a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets V2.0!! Loads of Info on Elements 1-106, EGA Picture of Table, And | | 134387(bytes) | Softronix shematic editor in
self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, 110/112/1200 Series Radios thinking about buying a scanner. a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets | | 84708(bytes) | Electronic and Electrical Formulas
self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, 110/112/1200 Series Radios thinking about buying a scanner. a TNC -Dutch Program -- Not for the beginner. rigs (IC-781, TS950, FT-1000) for ham radio. store & forward nets | | 70104(bytes) | Performs many Electronics calculations: Ohms
Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, 110/112/1200 Series Radios thinking about buying a scanner. | | 27368(bytes) | Ham Decode Morse code with a
Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, 110/112/1200 Series Radios thinking about buying a scanner. |
files.bbs | 13847(bytes) |
| | 175792(bytes) | Radio scanner database system v1.10
Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, 110/112/1200 Series Radios | | 23005(bytes) | Scanner Frequencies 25-148 Mhz
Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, 110/112/1200 Series Radios | | 149774(bytes) | Scanner frequency database. Includes
printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, | | 9674(bytes) | Locate positions of satellites. In Basic.
printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, | | 13402(bytes) | Ham Related BBSs in USA.
printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and PRINTDM (replaces EDITPCBI.ZIP, | | 12741(bytes) | 800 #s for ham radio equipment dealers.
printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment editor use with EDITSCH and | | 7557(bytes) | Kist of hamfests throughout the country
during 1992. printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. self-contained window environment | | 68548(bytes) | Ham Radio instructor help, generates
homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. during 1992. printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 multivibrators, much more. |
hartford.lzh | 1082(bytes) | Hartford, Ct Scanner Freqs
homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. during 1992. printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; multiplier resistance for voltmeter; db Gain or Loss; Resonant Frequency; Circuit design for power supply, transformers, motors, 555 | | 222721(bytes) | Ham fest v2.0 mailing list
manager for ham fest attendees. well done. homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. during 1992. printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. Law; Parallel Resistor; voltage divider; True Power; shunt resistance for ammeter; | | 82259(bytes) | Modifications For Hand-Held Ham
Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. well done. homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. during 1992. printouts. Sound Blaster and a microphone. | | 19135(bytes) | Houston, TX scanner frequency
list great! Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. well done. homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. during 1992. printouts. |
hurrican.lzh | 1251(bytes) | Hurrican Season Frequencies
list great! Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. well done. homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. during 1992. printouts. | | 283646(bytes) | HyperLog version 2.01 by HyperSoft. Amateur
radio logging program features Packet, Database browser, Report browser, Radio interface and much more. list great! Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. well done. homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. during 1992. | | 4492(bytes) | Iowa coordinated amateur radio repeater
listings. radio logging program features Packet, Database browser, Report browser, Radio interface and much more. list great! Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. well done. homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. during 1992. | | 12341(bytes) | All of the known modifications for this
wondeful HT listings. radio logging program features Packet, Database browser, Report browser, Radio interface and much more. list great! Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. well done. homework questions for the student. Requires paradox or paradox run time. | | 68345(bytes) | Icom Radio ctrl w/squelch
detect; need CT-17. wondeful HT listings. radio logging program features Packet, Database browser, Report browser, Radio interface and much more. list great! Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. well done. homework questions for the student. Requires | | 9180(bytes) | Illinois amateur radio coordinated repeater
listings. detect; need CT-17. wondeful HT listings. radio logging program features Packet, Database browser, Report browser, Radio interface and much more. list great! Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. well done. | | 6319(bytes) | Indiana amateur radio coordinated repeater
listing. Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio by John Ackermann AG9V, Dayton Ohio Archive Viewer. listings. detect; need CT-17. wondeful HT listings. radio logging program features Packet, Database browser, Report browser, Radio interface and much more. | | 176560(bytes) | InspectA v1.00 FTSC Packet &
Archive Viewer. listings. detect; need CT-17. wondeful HT listings. radio logging program features Packet, Database browser, Report browser, Radio interface and much more. list great! Radios. manager for ham fest attendees. | | 25206(bytes) | *** Amateur Radio ***
Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio by John Ackermann AG9V, Dayton Ohio Archive Viewer. listings. detect; need CT-17. wondeful HT listings. radio logging program features Packet, Database browser, Report browser, Radio interface and much more. list great! | | 138802(bytes) | KAMterm version 1.0 is a Host
Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! listing. Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio by John Ackermann AG9V, Dayton Ohio Archive Viewer. listings. detect; need CT-17. wondeful HT listings. | | 336911(bytes) | LayOut: Printed Circuit Board layout &
autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! listing. Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio by John Ackermann AG9V, Dayton Ohio Archive Viewer. listings. detect; need CT-17. wondeful HT | | 265568(bytes) | LayOut: PC Board auto-router. 2 of 3.
autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! listing. Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio by John Ackermann AG9V, Dayton Ohio Archive Viewer. listings. detect; need CT-17. | | 304332(bytes) | LayOut: PC Board auto-router. 3 of 3.
autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! listing. Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio by John Ackermann AG9V, Dayton Ohio Archive Viewer. listings. detect; need CT-17. | | 215346(bytes) | Electrontic Log Book For
Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! listing. Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio by John Ackermann AG9V, Dayton Ohio Archive Viewer. listings. |
mesqtx.lzh | 486(bytes) | Mesquite, Tx Scanner Freqs
Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! listing. Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio by John Ackermann AG9V, Dayton Ohio Archive Viewer. | | 387300(bytes) | Microham: Radio workstation for
logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! listing. Introduction To tcp/ip on amateur radio | | 10703(bytes) | Michigan amateur radio coordinated repeater
listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! listing. | | 6190(bytes) | Minnesota coord. amateur radio repeater
listings. listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, split screen, and MUCH MORE!!! |
norad.lzh | 1540(bytes) | NORAD Frequencies
listings. listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for the Kantronics KAM, KPC2, KPC3, et al. Features multiple windows, | | 24372(bytes) | Nos introduction, tcp/ip for
amateur radio. listings. listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is a Host Mode terminal program for |
nswfbrgd.lzh | 695(bytes) | NSW Fire Brigade Scanner Freqs
amateur radio. listings. listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. Mode radio KAMterm version 1.0, is |
nswpd.lzh | 825(bytes) | NSW VHF Police Freqs (HAM)
amateur radio. listings. listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. autorouter from France. 1 of 3. | | 17951(bytes) | Version SIX of Bob Nelson's
great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. amateur radio. listings. listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. Kenwoods Uses Rs232 Port. | | 19672(bytes) | Origins of radio station call
letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. amateur radio. listings. listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to buckmaster hamcall cd. |
ozscan.lzh | 2653(bytes) | Australian Scanner Freqs (HAM)
letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. amateur radio. listings. listings. logging, contests, awards, technical reference & access to | | 254930(bytes) | PAMS (Personal Amtor Mailbox Systems) is
bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. amateur radio. listings. |
papark.lzh | 161(bytes) | Pa. State Park Scanner Freqs
bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. amateur radio. listings. | | 211012(bytes) | ARRL FD Contest Log / HAM / AMATEUR / LOGGER
bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. amateur radio. | | 453308(bytes) | PC Trace v5.0 Printed circuit
design with schematic capture. bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. amateur radio. |
pg_e.lzh | 1030(bytes) | Pacific Gas & Elec Freqs /
design with schematic capture. bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. |
pikepa.lzh | 463(bytes) | Pike County, Pa. Scanner
Frequencies design with schematic capture. bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their significance. | | 323065(bytes) | PkGold v6.24 packet program for
Ham Radio. Frequencies design with schematic capture. bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. letters #7 in series. Much interesting info. great history of radio station call signs. Includes nearly 600 station call letters and their | | 337802(bytes) | Version 10 of the clarkson packet drivers
for tcp/ip communications with your pc. These combined with the correct version of ipx can allow your pc to talk tcp/ip and novell simultaneously. Ham Radio. Frequencies design with schematic capture. bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. letters #7 in series. Much | | 2153(bytes) | "Fix" Radio Shack Scanner To
Receive Entire 800mhz Band Like It Was Designed To. scanner from Radio Shack. Restore 800MgHz range. for tcp/ip communications with your pc. These combined with the correct version of ipx can allow your pc to talk tcp/ip and novell simultaneously. Ham Radio. Frequencies design with schematic capture. | | 3008(bytes) | Modifications instructions for the Pro-37
scanner from Radio Shack. Restore 800MgHz range. for tcp/ip communications with your pc. These combined with the correct version of ipx can allow your pc to talk tcp/ip and novell simultaneously. Ham Radio. Frequencies design with schematic capture. bbs/ Mailbox systems compatible w/APLINK for Amateur Radio w/out link into Packet Network. | | 69955(bytes) | HAM QSL label sorter & printer from W9XT.
Receive Entire 800mhz Band Like It Was Designed To. scanner from Radio Shack. Restore 800MgHz range. for tcp/ip communications with your pc. These combined with the correct version of ipx can allow your pc to talk tcp/ip and novell simultaneously. Ham Radio. Frequencies design with schematic capture. | | 48081(bytes) | Slick menu-driven periodic
table of the elements by Victor Yiu, with built-in screen clock and screen saver. Receive Entire 800mhz Band Like It Was Designed To. scanner from Radio Shack. Restore 800MgHz range. for tcp/ip communications with your pc. These combined with the correct version of ipx can allow your pc to talk tcp/ip and novell simultaneously. Ham Radio. Frequencies |
putham.lzh | 1057(bytes) | Putham, Ct Scanner Freqs
table of the elements by Victor Yiu, with built-in screen clock and screen saver. Receive Entire 800mhz Band Like It Was Designed To. scanner from Radio Shack. Restore 800MgHz range. for tcp/ip communications with your pc. These combined with the correct version of ipx can allow your pc to talk tcp/ip and novell simultaneously. Ham Radio. Frequencies |
quickref.lzh | 2299(bytes) | Quick Ref Sheet for Recording
Scanner Freqs table of the elements by Victor Yiu, with built-in screen clock and screen saver. Receive Entire 800mhz Band Like It Was Designed To. scanner from Radio Shack. Restore 800MgHz range. for tcp/ip communications with your pc. These combined with the correct version of ipx can allow your pc to talk tcp/ip and novell simultaneously. Ham Radio. | | 98033(bytes) | Program to control Drake R8 SWL receiver
Scanner Freqs table of the elements by Victor Yiu, with built-in screen clock and screen saver. Receive Entire 800mhz Band Like It Was Designed To. scanner from Radio Shack. Restore 800MgHz range. for tcp/ip communications with your pc. These combined with the correct version of ipx can allow your pc to talk tcp/ip and novell simultaneously. | | 76149(bytes) | RADARSCAN v1.1: Cmd-line
controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar data; produces charts that are similar to those disseminated over nafax circuits by the national meteorological center; req ega+. Scanner Freqs table of the elements by Victor Yiu, with built-in screen clock and screen saver. Receive Entire 800mhz Band Like It Was Designed To. | | 45218(bytes) | Resist v1.5 - Resist is a utility to help you
figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar data; produces charts that are similar to those disseminated over nafax circuits by the national meteorological center; req ega+. Scanner Freqs table of the elements by Victor Yiu, with built-in screen clock and screen saver. | | 1478(bytes) | A list of police frequency's in Richmond, VA
figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar data; produces charts that are similar to those disseminated over nafax circuits by the national meteorological center; req ega+. Scanner Freqs table of the elements by Victor Yiu, with built-in screen clock and screen saver. | | 83733(bytes) | RIG-EQF v1.58 Kenwood radio
control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar data; produces charts that are similar to those disseminated over nafax circuits by the national meteorological center; req ega+. | | 135894(bytes) | A Great Satalite Tracker/Predictor Program.
control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar data; produces charts that are similar to those disseminated over nafax circuits by the national meteorological center; req ega+. | | 31442(bytes) | SatScan Satellite Service Chart
control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar data; produces charts that are similar to those disseminated over nafax circuits by the national meteorological center; req ega+. | | 3574(bytes) | S. CALIF FREQ LIST This has everything but
800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar data; produces charts that are similar to those disseminated over | | 84297(bytes) | N.E. Ohio Scanner Frequencies
800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar data; produces charts that are | | 173538(bytes) | Scanner Frequency Database program.
800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw national weather service radar | | 176591(bytes) | Scanner Buff Home Version V3.75
800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * controlled program which plots high-resolution color radar maps from text files containing raw | | 152509(bytes) | SCAT v2.0 use to design high
frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. 800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. figure out the resistance value's of most common resistors. * VGA and Mouse required * | | 102863(bytes) | Graphical Schematic circuit
designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. 800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. | | 9909(bytes) | The scrounger's guide to TVRO
(satellite) setup & viewing. designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. 800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 radios at once. | | 13840(bytes) | Long-distance ship/shore frequencies.
(satellite) setup & viewing. designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. 800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 |
shortnos.exe | 164036(bytes) | NOS w/out mailbox front-end
(satellite) setup & viewing. designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. 800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C | | 111854(bytes) | SKEM10 is a simple and easy to
use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on an hp laser printer or compatible. will not print to a dot matrix printer. must have ms mouse or compatible and a vga color system. very user friendly. (satellite) setup & viewing. designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. | | 418062(bytes) | VGA satellite tracker (vga only!)
use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on an hp laser printer or compatible. will not print to a dot matrix printer. must have ms mouse or compatible and a vga color system. very user friendly. (satellite) setup & viewing. designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. | | 168408(bytes) | STS Orbit Plus v9219 satellite tracker
use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on an hp laser printer or compatible. will not print to a dot matrix printer. must have ms mouse or compatible and a vga color system. very user friendly. (satellite) setup & viewing. designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. | | 3044(bytes) | A .txt file about spy "numbers" stations
heard on shortwave radio. use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on an hp laser printer or compatible. will not print to a dot matrix printer. must have ms mouse or compatible and a vga color system. very user friendly. (satellite) setup & viewing. designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters |
starttcp.txt | 47563(bytes) | Introduction to using TCP/IP Internet
protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for details or contact your local Ham Club.) heard on shortwave radio. use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on an hp laser printer or compatible. will not print to a dot matrix printer. must have ms mouse or compatible and a vga color system. very user friendly. | | 2772(bytes) | A listing of available AUDIO subcarriers on
satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for details or contact your local Ham Club.) heard on shortwave radio. use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on an hp laser printer or compatible. will not print to a dot matrix printer. must have ms mouse or compatible and a vga color system. very user friendly. | | 4851(bytes) | Solar Flare & Magnetic alerts
from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for details or contact your local Ham Club.) heard on shortwave radio. use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on an hp laser printer or compatible. will not print to a dot matrix printer. must have ms mouse or | | 9181(bytes) | Beginners' guide to shortwave listening. How
to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for details or contact your local Ham Club.) heard on shortwave radio. use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on an hp laser printer or compatible. |
sydsec.lzh | 663(bytes) | Sydney Security Scanner Freqs
to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for details or contact your local Ham Club.) heard on shortwave radio. use schematic drawing program. prints high quality schematics on | | 53240(bytes) | The Code Machine; morse code instructor.
to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for details or contact your local Ham Club.) heard on shortwave radio. use schematic drawing program. | | 241097(bytes) | TheNetPlus v2.10: Amateur radio
node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for details or contact your local Ham Club.) heard on shortwave radio. | | 55442(bytes) | Software package for using AMTOR with older
terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for details or contact your local Ham Club.) | | 23103(bytes) | Xmit morse code thru speaker. Good for batch
files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the morse code. Call your local DOC office for |
uk2mtr.lzh | 1228(bytes) | UK 2 meter Repeater Freqs
files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an Amateur Radio Licence without learning the | | 1128(bytes) | Shortwave utilities monitoring list.
files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). (BTW, In Canada, you can now obtain an -- (satellite) setup & viewing. designer. PSPICE compatible. frequence RF amplifiers using Transistor Scattering Parameters and a Smith Chart. EGA/VGA req'd. 800MHz control for Amateur operators & SWL buffs. Interfaces with most Kenwood models, or uses IF-232C interface. Will control up to 4 | | 276141(bytes) | Listing of over 12,000 electronics vendors
files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. protocol tools on packet radio. (KA9Q). |
voa0806.lzh | 4652(bytes) | VOA SWBC Revised
files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. satellites as of 12-91. Interesting. | | 28540(bytes) | W9GR HAM radio DSP
source/object code. files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All charts included. | | 8686(bytes) | Complete list of all WEFAX (HAM) fax
frequencies. source/object code. files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. from 8-8-92 through 8-14-92. All | | 1052(bytes) | Active weather satellite frequencies.
frequencies. source/object code. files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. to get started, with sources. | | 106594(bytes) | Whats-Up 1.2 is A Tool Which 1 of 2
Allows You to Capture And Extract For Analysis Telemetry From The Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio (Oscar). This ZIP Includes The Doc File. frequencies. source/object code. files. terminal units. Very versatile and easy to confiure. node software upgrade. | | 115823(bytes) | Whats-Up 1.2 is A Tool Which 2 of 2
Allows You to Capture And Extract For Analysis Telemetry From The Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio (Oscar). This ZIP Includes The Exe Allows You to Capture And Extract For Analysis Telemetry From The Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio (Oscar). This ZIP Includes The Doc File. frequencies. source/object code. files. |